Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is a multisystem?

There are plenty of stores now that specialize in selling multisystem televisions and VCRs. Unfortunately, despite this prevalence, many customers still don't understand whether they need a multisystem television, or what one even is! Today we are going over some of the most frequently asked questions about multisystem LCD televisions and Multisystem VCRs and DVD players.
What is a multisystem TV or VCR?
In the case of a VCR, it means that the machine will play any video format; PAL, SECAM and NTSC. In the case of televisions, it means that the television can receive a variety of input signal types - PAL, SECAM and NTSC. You must have both pieces of equipment to watch shows in different areas of the world.
Why do videotapes have different systems?
Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and while some countries have chosen to use one, others have chosen another. It's is the same reason that part of the world drives on the left side of the road, and part of the world drives on the right. Having a multisystem LCD television and VCR is like having an international driver's license!
How do I know what standard I use?
North Amercia, Korea, Japan, the Philippines and parts of South America use the NTSC encoding. Most other areas use PAL or SECAM - you can view a more comprehensive and detailed list here.
Why would I need a multisystem television or VCR?
Many people don't need a multisystem television or VCR, or a region-free DVD player. This is why so few people know about them, and why so many get tripped up when they move overseas! If you are buying a television/video player from overseas, sending a television or video player asa gift overseas, or planning to move overseas and take your TV/video player with you, you should buy a multisystem LCD television, a region-free DVD player or VCR to avoid wasting money.

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